Should I Choose Reverse Cycle or Ducted Gas Heating Systems?

Should I Choose Reverse Cycle or Ducted Gas Heating Systems?

Ducted gas heating systems can offer an efficient way to keep your home warm and comfortable during the colder winter months. However, many homeowners wonder whether this type of system is best suited to their property. Since this type of system is a major investment, it can be difficult to choose between these two systems. There are a number of variables which can affect which is the solution best suited to your property.

The Benefits of Ducted Gas Heating Systems:

Ducted gas heating systems offer the most energy efficient solution. This type of system tends to be far cheaper and efficient compared to space heaters. The installation is flexible, allowing for the ducting to be installed either under the floor or above the ceiling. The system also allows for your home to be divided into zones. This provides the opportunity to only heat the areas being used. For example, you may choose to only heat your sleeping areas at night, keeping the living and common areas warmed during the day. You can also use programmable controllers to time when the heating is activated and turned off, according to your schedule. This allows you to optimise your energy efficiency with the option to manually control the heating should you need a boost in temperature. There is also the option to add a refrigerated cooling unit to create a dual cycle system to heat and cool the home.

The Benefits of Ducted Reverse Cycle Systems:

Reverse cycle systems allow you to both heat and cool your home. This can be a great solution if there is no availability of natural gas or if ducted gas heating systems are not viable. This type of system offers similar flexibility compared to gas heating. This allows for efficient heating and cooling, since the system can dehumidify the air, making a cool crisp atmosphere in the hotter humid summer months. The system does not require a bulky unit to be placed inside the home and the ceiling outlets can be mounted flush with the ceiling. This allows airflow to be directed where it is needed without compromising the aesthetic of your decor.

Factors to Consider:

Typically, either system will require between six and ten duct outlets. Larger homes may require additional outlets, depending on the insulation, layout and ceiling height of the property. The minimum number of outlets needed for efficient operation of ducted gas heating systems is six.
The size of heater needed for a gas system depends on the requirements of your property. Generally heaters are categorised as small, medium or large. The systems have 14-16 Kw power, 18-21 Kw and 28-35 Kw respectively. There are a number of calculations needed to determine the best size unit for your home, so you are likely to need specialist assistance.

                           Ducted Gas Heating Systems Perth

If you are considering ducted gas heating systems for your home, contact us. We specialise in heating and air conditioning. We have a wide range of heating and cooling options including gas storage hot water systems. Our team would be delighted to assist you in finding the solution best suited to your requirements.

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